Step 2: Visitor Screening and Export Controls Review

An array of U.S. government laws and regulations impact the Academic Visitor hosting process. Step 2: Visitor Screening and Export Controls Review describes security-related procedures that apply to these circumstances, focusing primarily upon the University's MyEC system and its use of restricted party screenings (RPS) and export controls reviews to vet potential Visitors. Additional information on these processes, as well as the rationale behind them, is located on the Research Security page.

The MyEC (My Export Control) Electronic Visitor System section below provides information on the MyEC system requirements, particularly for Category 2 and 3 Visitors, and the Conducting an RPS Independent of the MyEC System section below provides information on the RPS process for Category 1 Visitors. Documentation that explains how to enter information into the MyEC system is located on the Administrative Guidance and Training page.

The Visitor Process and the MyEC System

MyEC (My Export Control) Electronic Visitor System

The University requires that host departments and faculty member(s) enter information on all prospective Category 2 and 3 Academic Visitors, regardless of nationality and institutional affiliation, into the MyEC Electronic Visitor system. This process creates a permanent electronic record of the visit. The system also can be used for Category 1 Visitors, but is not mandatory. The system provides an automatic RPS function and an embargoed country evaluation, as well as an export controls review, as part of the Visitor vetting process.

This process is initiated when a University administrator or host faculty member creates a MyEC record by entering information related to the visit and Visitor into the MyEC system. Once all information is entered, the record is submitted to the Visitor Liaison for an initial evaluation. As part of this evaluation, the Visitor Liaison may contact the responsible administrator to discuss additional requirements for visits that involve a confirmed restricted party screening match, an export control red flag, or other notable security risks. The administrator will be notified via an email from the MyEC system when the initial Visitor screening is complete and the MyEC record is approved.

Conducting an RPS Independent of the MyEC System (Category 1 Visitors only)

Host departments and faculty members are encouraged to perform an RPS directly through the E2Open (Amber Road) RPS tool in cases where the MyEC system is not used for Category 1 Visitors. Read the RPS guidance written by the Office of Trade Compliance in order to learn more about how to conduct an RPS. RPS results must be kept on file by the department or school that conducts the RPS.

If no match is obtained on a Category 1 Visitor RPS, your transaction can proceed without contacting the Visitor Liaison.

If a match is obtained on a Category 1 Visitor RPS, please send an email to the Visitor Liaison. Attach the RPS page to your email and provide as much information as possible about the party, i.e., copy of passport, resume, CV, etc. The Visitor Liaison will convey this information to Office of Trade Compliance staff to help with further review and follow-up. The Visitor Liaison will contact you to advise you if the individual or entity has been cleared, or if further information is necessary in order to clear the individual.