Conditional Administrative Actions

The administrative actions listed below should be completed, if necessary, for Category 2 and 3 Academic Visitors after steps 1 through 3 of the Visitor process have been completed. If possible, these actions should be completed before a Visitor arrives on the University of Pittsburgh campus. Many of the actions involve training and clearances that must be completed or obtained before a Visitor can initiate certain activities.

Visitor hosts also should consider holding an initial in-person meeting involving the Visitor, host, and all relevant units to define all aspects of the visit: data use, access and security; physical access and security; facility and equipment use; report review processes; training requirements; communication; etc.

Conditional Administrative Actions for Category 2 and 3 Visitors

Research-Specific and Other Training

Training requirements will vary according to each Academic Visitor’s activities. Visitors are permitted to perform only the research that is outlined and approved in their individual agreements and must undergo all University-based training that is appropriate for the specific research. The host department and host faculty member(s) must determine which training is relevant to the Visitor's activities and ensure that the Visitor completes all applicable training.

This training will include both the required safety and regulatory training related to the specific laboratory the Visitor will be visiting (e.g., EH&S and IACUC) as well as any other applicable University-wide training. All training must be completed before the Visitor begins any research activities. Additional information about research-specific training is available on the Office of Research Protections' Training site.

Conflict of Interest Module Completion

Any individual, including an Academic Visitor, who is independently responsible for the design, conduct, or reporting of research at the University of Pittsburgh must undergo conflict of interest training. As part of this process, the Visitor will be asked to disclose both conflicts of interest and commitment, which include all financial, personal and professional interests, activities, and relationships that the Visitor may have with any non-University entities that create, or could be perceived to create, a conflict of interest or commitment. The University’s Conflict of Interest Division has developed training to identify these potential conflicts and provides further information on them. The host department and host faculty member(s) must determine whether this training is relevant to the Visitor's activities and ensure that the Visitor completes the training if it is.

Clearance for Interacting with Minors

Pennsylvania law requires an Academic Visitor to obtain specific clearances prior to initiating any activities that will include contact with minors. The host department and/or host faculty member(s) must ensure that the Visitor obtains these clearances if the Visitor will be in direct contact with minors during his or her visit. The University’s Human Resources department has developed instructions on Applying for Child Protection Clearances.

University Animal-Facility Access and Animal-Use Training

Situations may arise in which Academic Visitors will participate in activities that involve University animals, and as a result, may require access to University animal housing and use spaces. The host department and host faculty member(s) must ensure that Visitors complete any required training and/or acquire any required approvals prior to participating in these activities.

Academic Visitors Added to IACUC Protocols and Approved for Direct Contact with University Animals

Any person who will have direct contact with an animal at the University of Pittsburgh must be listed on an approved University Animal Research Protection Office (IACUC) protocol. The Academic Visitor must possess a sponsored email account in order to access Animal Research Online (ARO), the University’s web-based system that is used to manage animal research protocols and the protocol review process. The Visitor also must fulfill:

  • IACUC training though CITI. The Visitor must complete Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) and the Working with Large and/or Small Animal courses in addition to any species-specific modules related to the animal model(s) used in the protocol.
  • Environmental Health and Safety (EH&S) enrollment requirements. The Visitor must enroll in the Animal Exposure Surveillance Program (AESP), which provides preventive medicine programs to animal users and occupational health information related to the use and care of animals.

The study principal investigator (PI) may add the Academic Visitor to a new or existing IACUC protocol after all IACUC and EH&S training and health surveillance requirements are satisfied. The PI will be notified after the addition is approved.

General Academic Visitor Access to University Animal Facilities

Any individual not working with or handling animals (University personnel or not) but requiring access to a University facility housing animals must be escorted while in an animal facility. Anyone who is not listed on an active IACUC protocol for the site in question or who does not possess explicit approval to enter animal housing or use spaces as part of their job function falls under this category. The use of another person’s ID badge to access a University animal facility is prohibited and may lead to loss of animal-use privileges for the individual loaning the badge as well as future prohibitions for the individual who entered using the badge. The EH&S Handbook recognizes two classifications in this category:

  • Individuals with Prolonged Exposure. A person who enters the facility with an escort four times or more within 30 days and does not have direct contact with an animal on any entry.
  • Individuals with Minimal/Limited Exposure. A person who enters the facility with an escort three times or less within 30 days and does not have direct contact with an animal on any entry.

For both classifications, the following steps must be completed before the Academic Visitor can access animal housing or dedicated animal procedural or surgical areas of the University. The Visitor’s escort must obtain prior permission for Visitor access from the University’s attending veterinarian (Dr. Amy Cassano; phone: 412-648-8950; email: and any applicable scientific director. The Academic Visitor must review and complete the necessary requirements of the relevant EH&S Standard Operating Procedure (SOP).

Special Cases Involving University Animal Facilities and University Animals

Specifically tailored training programs can be substituted for more general training requirements under certain circumstances:

  • Visitors for training purposes. More limited training may be substituted for standard training for individuals coming in direct contact with animals for training purposes or as part of a course. The content of this training will be determined by IACUC. Course instructors employing animals should contact the IACUC training coordinator (email:; phone: 412-383-1737) far in advance of the course so that the training requirements for the students can be assessed.
  • Visitors who enter any animal housing or use areas where radiological or biohazardous conditions exist (Biosafety Level 2 or above). These individuals must complete a limited training program that will include instruction on occupational health and safety concerns and personal protection targeted to radiological and biohazardous conditions. Contact the IACUC training coordinator (email:; phone: 412-383-1737) as far in advance of the visit as possible to receive instructions on arranging this training.
  • Visitors to any IACUC-approved large animal surgical facility. These individuals must complete a limited training program that will include instruction on occupational health and safety concerns and personal protection targeted to surgical suites where biohazardous conditions exist (e.g., surgery on a nonhuman primate). Contact the IACUC training coordinator (email:; phone: 412-383-1737) as far in advance of the visit as possible to receive instructions on arranging this training.
Payments to Academic Visitors

Host departments may at their discretion provide limited payments to Academic Visitors as part of a visit to the University. This section describes permitted payment types and methods for paying Visitors as well as tax considerations that may be applicable to such payments. Please note that Visitors are not University of Pittsburgh employees and cannot be supported financially via a University salary or stipend or any other University employment mechanism. In all cases, payments must be consistent with University of Pittsburgh policy and all applicable local, state, and federal laws.

The University’s ability to provide payments to eligible foreign nationals is directly related to the type of visa granted to the Visitor by the US Department of State. For additional information, see the University's Purchase, Pay, and Travel website's Visitor visa chart (PDF), which lists eligible payments under different visa types.


An honorarium is a payment provided to an individual in recognition of services rendered but for which no fee is legally or traditionally required. This payment is in addition to any other allowable payments set forth in this section and is at the sole discretion of the University through the department or school that wishes to provide it. Honorarium payments are generally considered gross income to the recipient and are tax reportable if the amount paid by the University exceeds $600 in a calendar year. In cases where an honorarium is provided to the Visitor, the requesting school or department should use the Concur online expense management system to process the payment. More information on honoraria can be found on the University's Purchase, Pay, and Travel website.

Living Allowance Awards

Living allowance awards may be provided to Visitors under the Academic Visitor guidelines and are meant to cover daily living expenses such as room and board, health insurance, transportation (including Port Authority bus passes), and other incidental expenses. Living allowance award payments are generally considered gross income to the recipient and are treated as taxable income unless a treaty or other exemption can be claimed. Internal sources of funds (i.e., non-sponsored research accounts) should be used to fund living allowance awards under the Academic Visitor guidelines. Please contact the Visitor Liaison for more information on this subject. Departments should use the Concur online expense management system to process living allowance award payments. Concur payment instructions for non-employees are provided in the Travel and Expense Management Users Guide (PDF) starting on page 82.

Travel and Business Expense Reimbursement

Visitors can be reimbursed for travel and business expenses incurred as part of activities where there is a mutual benefit for both the Visitor and the University. The University’s policies and procedures covering expense reimbursement must be followed when reimbursing these expenses. Note that business expense reimbursements may be taxable income to the Visitor. Departments should use the Concur online expense management system to process eligible travel and business expense reimbursement payments.


Visitors who receive a living allowance award, honorarium, or travel and business expense reimbursement payment(s) may be subject to federal, state and/or local taxes. For non-resident aliens (foreign nationals), a tax treaty may be available that would reduce or eliminate applicable taxes. The University's Purchase, Pay, and Travel website provides information that addresses payments made to foreign nationals along with specific issues related to withholding and honoraria.

Visa Documents

The University's Office of International Services (OIS) has procedures for different visa types that must be followed if the University is sponsoring a visa for an international Academic Visitor. Please work with OIS to complete the visa process. This requirement does not apply to domestic Visitors.